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Fire Canyon Barbeque - Built from the ground up by Owner/Pitmaster Darren Shafer and his very patient wife Bridget, to satisfy meat tooth cravings for the high quality, slow smoked barbeque he grew up eating at the best joints in Kansas City and around the country.


IT/Business Consultant by day and stick-burning, pigtail-wielding Pitmaster and Grill Master nights & weekends, Darren is an active KCBS (Kansas City Barbeque Society) member, certified KCBS judge and RMBBQA (Rocky Mountain Barbeque Association) member who has studiously and meticulously worked to learn the art and science of competition level barbeque, then blend it with his own rustic sense for food seasoned with fire and smoke.

Lawrence, KS FTW!

FCBBQ spent three years working to find a suitable location to open a restaurant in the Greater Kansas City area and we are extremely excited that we have finally found a home in beautiful Lawrence, Kansas, just a hop and skip from the KC metro.


Now that we're settling in, we are enthusiastically smoking up a storm and exchanging BBQ painted smiles with as many friends, family and local epicures as possible!

FCBBQ will always give first priority to local suppliers, vendors and hiring of employees to develop, support and promote local partnerships and commerce.

At FCBBQ, we're extremely excited to provide the people of Lawrence and beyond with our modern rustic style of barbeque, along with personalized, professional service.

"Built to share a passion for food

seasoned with fire and smoke." 


#BBQILF #BBQisLoveFood

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©2013 Fire Canyon Barbeque.  No animals were harmed in the making of this website.

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